MILA is a short animated film that tells a story about a little girl in time of war and is actually inspired by war stories. Project looks super-meaningful, original and ambitious and is directed by Cinzia Angelini who worked on such titles as BOLT, Meet the Robinsons, Open Season, Spider-man 2 and Uncharted 2. All those titles are hardly anything special in terms of plot or message but they are super-well made in terms of quality, which makes me ever happier that such a production has a chance to exist. Something created by someone who (that's my guess) supposedly grew tired of meaningless animation or simply came to the point where creating something important is necessary and MILA's teaser looks just super-super promising.
If you wonder why I encourage you to donate to this project instead of donating to me, well, there is a simple reason. I manage to survive with little money I have. Sure, I eat cheapest stuff, sure I bake my own bread, sure I often have no money for bus ticket but I manage to live and create. And those guys, guided by the talented woman, have 37 more days to reach their $27k goal. So, visit the Kickstarter website and back MILA project with as much as you can. You shall surely not regret that :)